non sequence
英音[ ˌnɒnˈsiːkwəns ] 美音[ ˈnɑːnˈsɪkwəns ]




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1·This collator ensures all characters, supplementary and non-supplementary, have the same binary collating sequence as UTF-8.
这个排序器确保所有字符(补充字符和非补充字符)采用与 UTF-8 一样的二进制排序次序。
2·While this is somewhat simpler than identifying a "word", the completely naive approach of looking at every (overlapping) sequence of three bytes is non-optimal.
虽然这比识别一个“单词”要稍微简单些,但这完全是一种幼稚的方法 — 查找三字节的每个(重叠)序列的方法不是最优化的。
3·The logic path is unpredictable and requires activity to be detected and correlated by time and sequence across multiple applications (non-linear processing).
4·It then builds a new regular expression in indent_pat that matches exactly the same sequence of whitespace at the start of any non-empty line (hence the trailing '\ s').
随后在indent _ pat中构建一个新的正则表达式,精确匹配任何非空行的起始处的相同序列的空白(即拖尾' \ S ')。
5·The non-determinism in this example is because of the fact that the output value is based on the values on the in and inject streams (and also on the sequence in which these values arrive).
这个示例中的非确定性是因为:output 的值基于 in 和 inject 流的值(同时还基于这些值到达的顺序)。
6·Researchers Maria Gregori and Ignacio Llatser encoded the cytoplasm of non-pathogenic strain of e. coli with a short DNA sequence.
Maria Gregori以及Ignacio Llatser两位研究人员用一个短小的DNA序列编码了非致病大肠杆菌的细胞质信息。
7·The regex reads, "A sequence of whole words 'the' or 'of' followed by a non-word character."
该 regex 表示“一连串完整单词‘the’或‘of’后面紧跟非文字字符。”
8·Non-iterative method for capturing parameters of the predistorter was realized by the means of linear increasing periodic training sequence and distortion estimation algorithm.
9·The method and course of Non-Linear Process Planning(NLPP) used in STEP-NC was introduced, and the method of validating the sequence of machining working steps was also studied.
10·In the receive site, we operate non-chaos synchronization in reverse and resume binary message sequence by the correlated rule of the sender.
更新时间:2025-03-10 14:51